Cyber Suite - Enterprise AI Solutions
Web3 Solutions
IKi Suite - consumer AI Application
AI Advisory & Consulting services
Cyberesia is a Swiss company expert in augmented artificial intelligence (AI) that designs digital applications to optimize the flow of social, commercial, and financial interactions.Our holistic approach and our expertise in the latest technologies have enabled us to develop an AI ecosystem in record time, offering private, augmented, specialized, and sustainable generative AI applications for individuals and tailored AI solutions for organizationsOur Four pillars :I. Future-orientedII. Building-overIII. Global-localismIV. Confidentiality by design
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AI x Blockchain = Future
25 years ago, everyone started using computers, 15 years ago everyone started using smartphones, in less than 5 years, everyone will use AI every day.
AI is the new industrial revolution.
Some are enthusiast, some scared, nevertheless, AI don't let anyone indifferent.
But we all have one thing in common: we need to learn and adapt.One must position itself where future flows, and that's where we intervene. It's the reason why we help individuals and businesses to position themselves correctly so they can continue to grow and thrive in the continuous disruption we all live in.
Enterprise AI
Cyberesia Solutions
Private, Augmented, Specialized and Sustainable Generative AI
The complete AI Ecosystem
Cyberesia is a complete ecosystem offering Private, Augmented, Specialized and Sustainable Generative AI to help organization leverage the power of AI to increase their results in no time and to help individuals fulfill their ambition without learning any digital skill.We're building Intuitive and interconnected multimodal AI solution powered by custom AI models or custom data sources so that anyone can leverage the AI revolution to simplify his work, his business, and his daily life, on mobile, desktop or on the web, and no matter what language he speak.Where other companies focus either on consumer-oriented solutions (code-named AI Applications or IKi suite) or enterprise solutions (code-named Enterprise AI or Cyber suite), we propose a new path: building a synergistic ecosystem where the benefits of each approach meet those of the other.The experience we have gained from working on both fronts enables us to offer an integrated application suite unmatched on the market:1. AI Applications are fully secure by design, and can be connected to Enterprise AIs at the click of a button.
2. Enterprise AI solutions benefit from an intuitive user experience, and are easy to use without requiring any prior training, resulting in a drastic increase in workforce productivity and greater satisfaction for end-customers who may interact with these solutions.Each in its own way, our solutions address the 4 main problems that limit the use of generative AI in daily and professional life.1. Relevance and reliability of answers.
2. The technical complexity of AI providers and Prompt Engineering.
3. AI obsolescence and training costs.
4. Data confidentiality and regulations.
Powered by Ai
An All-in-One AI platform to simplify work, business, and daily life.
The AI Revolution
Some are enthusiast, some scared, some doubtful, nevertheless, AI don't let anyone indifferent. But we all have one thing in common : we need to learn and adapt. Everyone use a computer and a smartphone nowadays, soon it'll be the same with AI.
Like everything, the best way to learn is to practice, the more we use it, the better we understand it. And the most efficient motivation to learning is when there's a reward at the end. AI offers one of the greatest reward you can ever get.
No matter what your daily life looks like, you can make it 10x easier with AI so you can focus on the most meaningful things.
No matter in what industry you're in, and whether your are a employee or a business owner, AI can streamline your workflow and multiply your productivity. So you can achieve your goals faster than ever before.
Web3 integrations
The Next Generation Blockchain-Based Solution to Monetize,
Distribute, and Consume Digital Content & Real-World Assets
The Blockchain necessity
Are you human ?
We've all seen this question all over the Web.
AI has taken this matter to the next level.
So we have to step-up and elevate to the next level too.
We need new means to verify humaness.
But we don't want any dystopian systems.
The solution ? A self-sovereign ID.
How ? Using Access NFTs.
What can we do with it ? Nearly everything.
How long ? Step by step.
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CyberNext - Digital integration & Growth services
Offering tailored services is not a mere posture; it's a commitment to excellence at every step of the process, from the first contact to the final deliverable.The only way to truly please our clients is to deliver results and achieve the objectives we've set together.Based on our Enterprise AI solutions, we provide this exclusive digital integration and growth service.
AI • Web3 • Blockchain • IT • UX • Iot
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CyberPro - Your own AI department on demand
A team of on-demand AI experts, available when you need them, with the flexibility to pause or cancel anytime.Whether you have already integrated a Cyberesia AI solution or are seeking AI expertise for your business, we are here to deliver the support you need to execute your AI initiatives.CyberPro is a monthly subscription that let you ask any end-to-end request for your AI strategy, from initial implementation to ongoing optimization.
AI • Web3 • Blockchain • IT • UX • Iot
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Entreprise - Etablissement - Fondation - Organisation
Une équipe d'experts en IA à la demande, disponible quand vous en avez besoin
Mettez en pause ou annulez à tout moment
Vous êtes à la recherche d'experts pour exécuter la stratégie IA de votre organisation voir déléguer complètement votre département IA ?CyberPro est notre offre conçue pour fournir un support IA complet.Que vous ayez déjà intégré une solution entreprise Cyberesia ou que vous recherchiez des experts en IA pour assister vos équipes, nous sommes là pour vous apporter le soutien dont vous avez besoin pour concrétiser vos ambitions.Contrairement à nos services traditionnels d'assistance qui accompagnent l'intégration d'une solution IA Cyberesia, et qui se concentrent sur l'intégration et le traitement des demandes spécifiques via un système de ticketing, CyberPro va encore plus loin.CyberPro est un abonnement mensuel qui vous permet de formuler toute demande relative à votre stratégie IA, de la mise en œuvre initiale à l'optimisation continue des processus.
Une fléxibilité absolue :
Votre propre département IA à la demande
Mettez en pause ou annulez votre abonnement à tout moment
Garantie de remboursement intégral de 14 jours
Pourquoi sommes-nous qualifiés ? Découvrez notre écosystème
Cyber Suite - Enterprise AI Solutions
IKi Suite - consumer AI Application
Une requête à la fois.CHF 6970/moisPossibilité de suspendre ou d'annuler à tout moment.Garantie de remboursement intégral de 14 jours.Ce qui est inclus dans le package :
Requêtes illimitées
Une requête active à la fois
Délai de livraison moyen entre 48 et 72 heures
Communication asynchrone
Paiements faciles par carte de crédit
Pause ou annulation à tout moment
Garantie de remboursement intégral de 14 jours
Deux requêtes à la fois.CHF 9970/moisPossibilité de suspendre ou d'annuler à tout moment.Garantie de remboursement intégral de 14 jours.Ce qui est inclus dans le package :
Requêtes illimitées
Deux requêtes actives à la fois
Délai de livraison moyen entre 48 et 72 heures
Communication asynchrone
Paiements faciles par carte de crédit
Pause ou annulation à tout moment
Garantie de remboursement intégral de 14 jours
Quatre requêtes à la fois.CHF 14'970/moisPossibilité de suspendre ou d'annuler à tout moment.Garantie de remboursement intégral de 14 jours.Ce qui est inclus dans le package :
Requêtes illimitées
Quatre requêtes actives à la fois
Délai de livraison moyen entre 48 et 72 heures
Communication asynchrone
Paiements faciles par carte de crédit
Pause ou annulation à tout moment
Garantie de remboursement intégral de 14 jours
Entrez dans l'Ère Post-Numérique
La meilleure des expériences numériques est celle qui se fait oublier. Son développement induit une complexité qui rend difficile son intégration à un système informatique existant. Notre ambition est de vous aider à réaliser cette évolution dans les conditions idéales.
Un budget maîtrisé
Fini les surprises. Bénéficiez d'un tarif mensuel fixe, offrant une prévisibilité budgétaire et une tranquillité d'esprit pour vos initiatives en matière d'IA.Une gestion transparente
Utilisez notre tableau de projet pour soumettre et suivre un nombre illimité de demandes, en veillant à ce que toutes les tâches soient réalisées conformément à vos attentes, ceci en toute transparence.
Totalement asynchrone
Notre flux de travail est entièrement asynchrone, ce qui garantit la flexibilité et l'efficacité sans nécessiter de longues réunions.Livraison rapide
Bénéficiez d'une livraison rapide des solutions IA, les projets individuels étant généralement achevés en quelques jours seulement en moyenne.Des bénéfices accrus
Une relation client construite sur la confiance
Notre champ d'action
Des intégrations IA rapides et fluides
Nous comprenons la complexité de l'intégration de l'IA dans vos systèmes existants.Notre équipe d'experts est spécialisée dans l'intégration transparente des solutions IA d'entreprise au sein des infrastructures.Grâce à nos connaissances approfondies et à notre expérience, nous garantissons un processus d'intégration efficace et fluide, afin de vous permettre de tirer parti de la puissance de l'IA dans vos opérations.
IA spécialisée à la demande
Vous avez des besoins commerciaux uniques qui nécessitent des solutions IA spécialisées ?CyberPro est là pour vous fournir une expertise IA à la demande.Notre équipe de spécialistes est prête à développer et à déployer des modèles IA spécialisés adaptés spécifiquement à vos besoins.Que vous ayez besoin de chatbots, d'automatisation ou d'agents IA autonomes, nous avons l'expertise nécessaire pour créer des solutions IA qui stimuleront l'innovation, amélioreront l'efficacité et offriront des expériences client exceptionnelles à votre organisation.
Configuration de modèles privés
Pour les entreprises qui ne disposent pas de modèles IA existants ou qui cherchent à optimiser leurs modèles actuels, nous proposons une assistance à la configuration de modèles privés.Nos experts travailleront en étroite collaboration avec vous pour comprendre vos besoins et ajuster vos modèles afin d'obtenir des performances et une précision optimales.Grâce à nos services complets de configuration de modèles, nous nous assurons que vos modèles d'IA produisent les résultats souhaités pour vos cas d'utilisation spécifiques.
Support complet
CyberPro propose une approche holistique, en vous aidant à chaque étape de votre parcours dans le domaine de l'IA.Que vous ayez besoin d'aide pour le développement de votre stratégie, la mise en œuvre de l'IA ou le soutien continu, notre équipe dédiée est là pour vous aider.Nous comprenons que l'IA est un domaine en constante évolution et nous nous tenons au courant des dernières avancées que nous appliquons aux solutions que nous développons en interne afin de vous fournir l'assistance la plus pertinente et la plus efficace qui soit.
Exécution efficace
Nous comprenons l'importance d'une délivrance rapide lorsqu'il s'agit de solutions IA.Avec CyberPro, vous pouvez vous attendre à une exécution rapide de vos projets IA.Notre équipe d'experts travaille avec diligence pour s'assurer que vos projets sont achevés dans les délais convenus, ce qui vous permet de prendre des décisions éclairées et de garder une longueur d'avance sur vos concurrents.
Des forfaits flexibles
Pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques, nous proposons des formules flexibles qui peuvent être personnalisées en fonction de vos exigences.Que vous soyez une petite ou une grande entreprise, nous avons un forfait qui répond à vos besoins.Nos formules évolutives vous garantissent l'accès au bon niveau d'assistance en IA, que vous ayez besoin d'une aide occasionnelle ou d'une expertise en IA à temps plein.
Une Énorme Opportunité à Saisir
Les pionniers se partagent la part du lion
Une forte validation du marché
Le client exige sécurité, transparence, simplicité et vitesseUne intégration simple à votre modèle d’affaires
Accélérez sans foncer dans le murUne évolution solide de vos marges
Multipliez la profitabilité de vos biens et servicesDes clients, des employés et un patron heureux
Se focaliser sur son coeur de métier n'est plus un rêve inaccessible
Flexibilité et contrôle
Avec CyberPro, vous avez la possibilité d'interrompre ou d'annuler votre abonnement à tout moment. Nous comprenons que les besoins de votre entreprise peuvent changer, et nous sommes là pour soutenir vos exigences en constante évolution.Que vous ayez besoin d'ajuster votre forfait ou de faire une pause, nous vous offrons la flexibilité et le contrôle nécessaires pour garantir votre satisfaction.
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© 2024 - I Kimera Digital Advisory Services. All rights reserved.
Enterprise - Education - Foundation - Organization
A team of on-demand AI experts, available when you need them
Pause or cancel anytime
Are you looking for expert AI support services to enhance your business's AI strategy or delegate your AI department?CyberPro is our comprehensive and productized offering designed to provide full-stack AI support.Whether you have already integrated a Cyberesia AI solution or are seeking AI expertise for your business, we are here to deliver the support you need to revolutionize your AI initiatives.Unlike our traditional AI support services comprised with the integration of a Cyberesia AI Solution, which are focused on providing integration support and handling specific requests with a ticketing system, CyberPro goes a step further.CyberPro is a monthly subscription that let you ask any end-to-end request for your AI strategy, from initial implementation to ongoing optimization.
Absolute flexibility :
Your own AI department on demand
Pause or cancel anytime
14-day full refund guarantee
Why are we qualified? Discover our ecosystem
Cyber Suite - Enterprise AI Solutions
IKi Suite - consumer AI Application
One request at a time.CHF 6970/monthPause or cancel anytime.14-day full refund guarantee.What's included in the package:
Unlimited Requests
One active request at a time
Average 48-72 hours delivery
Asynchronous communication
Easy credit card payments
Pause or cancel at any time
14-day full refund guarantee
Two requests at a time.CHF 9970/monthPause or cancel anytime.14-day full refund guarantee.What's included in the package:
Unlimited Requests
Two active requests at a time
Average 48-72 hours delivery
Asynchronous communication
Easy credit card payments
Pause or cancel at any time
14-day full refund guarantee
Four requests at a time.CHF 14'970/monthSuspend or cancel anytime.14-day full refund guarantee.What's included in the package:
Unlimited Requests
Four active requests at a time
Average 48-72 hours delivery
Asynchronous communication
Easy credit card payments
Pause or cancel at any time
14-day full refund guarantee
The best digital experience is the one that gets forgotten. Its development induces a complexity that makes its integration into existing IT systems difficult. Our ambition is to help you achieve this evolution under ideal conditions.
A tightly controlled budget
No more surprises. Benefit from a fixed monthly fee, offering budget predictability and peace of mind for your AI initiatives.A transparent management
Use our project board to submit and track an unlimited number of requests, ensuring that all tasks are carried out according to your expectations - with complete transparency.
Totally asynchronous
Our workflow is entirely asynchronous, ensuring flexibility and efficiency without the need for lengthy meetings.Fast Delivery
Benefit from rapid delivery of AI solutions, with individual projects typically completed in just a few days on average.Increased benefits
A customer relationship built on trust
our scope of action
Fast and seamless AI integration
We understand the complexity of integrating AI into your existing systems.Our team of experts specializes in the seamless integration of enterprise AI solutions within infrastructures.With our in-depth knowledge and experience, we ensure an efficient and smooth integration process, so you can leverage the power of AI in your operations.
Specialized AI on demand
Do you have unique business needs that require specialized AI solutions?CyberPro is here to provide you with on-demand AI expertise. Our team of specialists is ready to develop and deploy specialized AI models tailored specifically to your needs.Whether you need chatbots, automation or autonomous AI agents, we have the expertise to create AI solutions that will drive innovation, improve efficiency and deliver exceptional customer experiences for your organization.
Configuring private models
For companies without existing AI models, or looking to optimize their current models, we offer private model configuration support.Our experts will work closely with you to understand your needs and fine-tune your models for optimum performance and accuracy.With our comprehensive model configuration services, we ensure that your AI models deliver the desired results for your specific use cases.
Full support
CyberPro offers a holistic approach, helping you at every stage of your AI journey. Whether you need help with strategy development, AI implementation or ongoing support, our dedicated team is here to help.We understand that AI is a constantly evolving field, and we keep track of the latest advances, which we apply to the solutions we develop in-house to provide you with the most relevant and effective support available.
Efficient execution
We understand the importance of fast delivery when it comes to AI solutions.With CyberPro, you can expect rapid delivery of your AI projects.Our team of experts works diligently to ensure your projects are completed on schedule, allowing you to make informed decisions and stay one step ahead of your competitors.
Flexible plans
To meet your specific needs, we offer flexible subscriptions that can be customized to suit your requirements.Whether you're a small or large company, we have a package to suit your needs.Our scalable subscriptions ensure you have access to the right level of AI support, whether you need occasional help or full-time AI expertise.
Strong market validation
The customer demands transparency, simplicity and speedSimple integration into your business model
Accelerate without running into the wallA solid development of your margins
Multiply the profitability of your goods and servicesHappy customers, employees and boss
Focusing on your core business is no longer an unattainable dream
With CyberPro, you can interrupt or cancel your subscription at any time. We understand that your business needs can change, and we're here to support your evolving requirements.Whether you need to adjust your package or take a break, we offer the flexibility and control you need to ensure your satisfaction.
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Entreprise - Multinationale - Fondation - Organisation
Solutions de Digitalisation et d'Intégration IA
Chez Cyberesia, nous sommes fiers de vous offrir les meilleures pratiques et technologies de demain pour vous aider à multiplier vos résultats.Nous vous proposons trois formules de prestations conçues pour vous accompagner dans votre transition vers un avenir toujours plus disruptif.En fonction de votre situation que nous qualifions après un audit 100% gratuit, nous vous accompagnons dans l'intégration des technologies les plus pertinentes à votre modèle d'affaire.
L'éveil technologique
Vous souhaitez que votre entreprise prospère en cette période de bouleversement technologique sans précédent ?
Prenez rendez-vous (sans engagement) et découvrez l'avantage compétitif que vous apporte l’intégration des nouvelles technologies que nous maîtrisons dans votre entreprise.
Évaluation de vos besoins et ressources disponibles
Ébauche d'une stratégie adaptée
Présentation des nouvelles technologies pertinentes à votre activité.
Vous voulez que vos équipes apprennent à maitriser rapidement les technologies disruptives qui peuvent avoir un impact concret sur la croissance de votre entreprise ?
Apprenez à qualifier vos besoins dans l’espace numérique moderne et à intégrer, via des ateliers, une stratégie produit disruptive et efficace.
Prise de conscience et capacité à développer de nouveaux modèles d’affaires ainsi que les concepts bureautiques et/ou industriels associés.
Assistance dans dans la définition des critères de succès, la finalisation, la sécurisation et la démonstration du concept, qui sera déployé sur plusieurs années.
Accompagnement dans la réalisation de prototypes commercialisables
La transition
Vous comptez atteindre les meilleurs résultats?
Soyez accompagné par un fort réseau d’expert et équipé des meilleurs outils vous permettant de réaliser une transformation globale et de maintenir vos clients au cœur de vos priorités.
Intégration des dimensions d'écologie, sécurité et cycle de vie
Elaboration d’un écosystème de confiance
Optimisation de votre relation client digitale
Qualification des interdépendances techniques et la résolution des obstacles rencontrés durant le déploiement.
Notre expertise
Comment rassurer vos clients sur l'origine de vos produits ou la confidentialité de vos services? La technologie blockchain vous permet d'y répondre à moindre coût.
Zero Trust
La confiance zéro permet d'éviter de s'exposer à des cyberattaques toujours plus sophistiquées. Cependant, son adoption nécessite des efforts considérables que notre savoir-faire permet de minimiser.
Intelligence artificielle
L’Intelligence Artificielle permet à vos applications de percevoir le contexte d'une requête, de gérer cette perception et d'entreprendre les actions qui permettent d'atteindre un but précis. Par son intégration, les applications destinées à vos clients apprendront à réagir et à mieux les guider dans leurs choix.
UX Design
Un beau design ne suffit pas. Notre vocation est de proposer une expérience unique, guidée et homogène à travers les interfaces client (sites web ou applications) que nous vous aidons à développer.
Anticiper un problème avant même que votre client s'en aperçoive, c'est l'un des nombreux champs d'application que couvre l'Internet des Objets.
Une Énorme Opportunité à Saisir
Les pionniers se partagent la part du lion
Une forte validation du marché
Le client exige sécurité, transparence, simplicité et vitesseUne intégration simple à votre modèle d’affaires
Accélérez sans foncer dans le murUne évolution solide de vos marges
Multipliez la profitabilité de vos biens et servicesDes clients, des employés et un patron heureux
Se focaliser sur son coeur de métier n'est plus un rêve inaccessible
Des approches et fonctionnalités innovantes pour stimuler l'attractivité de vos produits
Vos Atouts pour une Transition Réussie
Sécurité Numérique
Adoptez les mécanismes d'authentification et de paiement les plus fiables et transparents du moment
Technologie Créative
Développez de nouveaux modèles d'affaires
Expertise Next-Gen
Accédez à un réseau d'experts de classe mondiale pour éviter les impasses
Client Roi
Partagez une expérience qui assure un haut niveau d'acquisition et de fidélité
Traçabilité des Biens et Services
Plus aucune perte d'inventaire ni commande
Plus de Fiabilité pour plus de Confiance
Ne ratez plus une opportunité pour cause de défaillance informatique
Entrez dans l'Ère Post-Numérique
La meilleure des expériences numériques est celle qui se fait oublier. Son développement induit une complexité qui rend difficile son intégration à un système informatique existant. Notre ambition est de vous aider à réaliser cette évolution dans les conditions idéales.
Un budget maîtrisé
Des coûts basés essentiellement sur la plus-value effective de nos prestationsDes bénéfices accrus
Une relation client construite sur la confiance
Qui sommes-nous ?
Cyberesia consistue l'unité IA de I Kimera.Dans le cadre de ses prestations de conseil et formation, I Kimera réalise des évaluations, audits, études, ateliers et expertises engageant la promotion, l’adoption et l’intégration des nouvelles technologies: le Cloud, l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA), le Big Data, la Blockchain et l’Internet des Objets (IoT), sans négliger l’Informatique traditionnelle.Ces prestations sont transversales et s’adressent tout aussi bien aux particuliers, qu’au monde professionnel.Toutes nos interventions débutent par une analyse (gratuite) de votre sécurité informatique et ses processus de contrôle.I Kimera est une Société établie en Suisse.Conceptualisé par Salvatore La Macchia, System & Solution Architect avec près de 30 ans d’expérience dans l’IT auprès de multinationales leader dans leur domaine.
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Enterprise - Multinational - Foundation - Organization
Digitalization, Integration & AI Growth Solutions
At Cyberesia, we are passionate about bringing you the best practices and technologies of tomorrow to help you multiply your results.We offer three comprehensive service packages designed to help you transition to an increasingly disruptive future.Depending on your situation, which we assess after a 100% free audit, we help you integrate the most relevant technologies into your business model.
Tech Awareness
Do you want your business to thrive in this time of unprecedented technological change?
Make an appointment (free of charge) and discover the competitive advantage that the integration of the new technologies that we master can bring to your company.
Assessment of your needs and available resources
Outline of an adapted strategy
Overview of new technologies relevant to your business.
Do you want your teams - or yourself - to quickly learn to master disruptive technologies that can have a tangible impact on your business growth?
Learn how to qualify your needs in the modern digital space and integrate a disruptive and effective product strategy through workshops.
Awareness and ability to develop new business models and associated office and/or industrial concepts.
Support in defining success criteria, finalizing, securing and demonstrating the concept, which will be deployed over several years.
Guidance in the realization of marketable prototypes
Do you want to achieve the greatest results?
Be supported by a strong network of experts and equipped with the best tools to achieve a global transformation and keep your customers at the heart of your priorities.
Integration of environmental, security and lifecycle dimensions
Building a trusting ecosystem
Optimisation of your customer digital relationship
Identification of technical interdependencies and resolution of obstacles encountered during deployment.
Our expertise
How can you reassure your customers about the origin of your products or the confidentiality of your services? Blockchain technology allows you to do this at a lower cost.
Zero Trust
Zero Trust avoids exposure to increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. However, its adoption requires considerable effort, which our expertise can help to mitigate.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence enables your applications to perceive the context of a query, manage that perception and take actions to achieve a specific goal. By integrating it, your customer-facing applications will learn to react and better guide them in their choices.
UX Design
A beautiful design is not enough. Our purpose is to provide a unique, guided and consistent experience through the client interfaces (websites or applications) we help you develop.
Anticipating a problem before your customer even notices it is one of the many fields of application covered by the Internet of Things.
A Huge Opportunity to Seize
Pioneers get the lion's share.
Strong market validation
The customer demands transparency, simplicity and speedSimple integration into your business model
Accelerate without running into the wallA solid development of your margins
Multiply the profitability of your goods and servicesHappy customers, employees and boss
Focusing on your core business is no longer an unattainable dream
Modern ways and features to boost the attractiveness of your products
Your Assets for a Successful Transition
Digital Security
Adopt the most reliable and transparent authentication and payment mechanisms available
Creative Technology
Develop new business models
Next-Gen Expertise
Access a world-class network of experts to avoid dead-ends
Customer is King
Share an experience that ensures a high level of acquisition and loyalty
Traceability of Goods and Services
No more loss of stock or orders
More Reliability for more Confidence
Don't miss an opportunity due to IT failure
Join the Post-Digital Era
The best digital experience is the one that gets forgotten. Its development induces a complexity that makes its integration into existing IT systems difficult. Our ambition is to help you achieve this evolution under ideal conditions.
A tightly controlled budget
Costs based mainly on the real added value of our contributionIncreased profits
A customer relationship built on trust
About us
Cyberesia is the AI unit of I Kimera.As part of its consulting and training services, I Kimera delivers assessments, audits, studies, workshop and expertise involving the promotion, adoption and integration of new technologies based on the cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Quantum Computing, Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as traditional IT.These services are transversal and are aimed at both individuals and businesses.All our interventions start with an assessment of your IT security (free of charge).I Kimera is a Swiss-based Company.Conceptualized by Salvatore L.M., System & Solution Architect with nearly 30 years of experience in IT at leading multinational companies.
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© 2024 - I Kimera Digital Advisory Services. All rights reserved.
Entrepreneur - Coach - Consultant - Creator
Building and managing your automated ecosystem & your Funnels to monetize your audience today
available on demand
Pause or cancel anytime
You already know this : Private communities are the future of engagement, trust, and monetization for businesses.Especially in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and fake interactions.If you're in either of these two situations, you're losing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars every month by not taking advantage of this untapped opportunity.1. You have a high-ticket product or service that only a fraction of your audience can afford.2. You have a large audience but can't monetize it beyond AdSense, commercials and affiliation.Setting up a private community allows you to add a regular, predictable and substantial cash flow, without having to fundamentally change what you're already doing.But it's easier said than done.A meaningful ecosystem isn't just a chatgroup, an email list and some social networks, it's a system automated from A to Z that allows you to :1. Attract and nurture leads automatically.2. Provide an initial space for them to interact and deepen their connection with your brand.3. Generate a substantial regular cashflow with a subscription-based private community to continuously provide your most valuable expertise and even an exclusive direct access to you.4. Drastically increase the conversion rate of your high-ticket products that you might later offer.5. Focus on delivering value, becoming the trusted adviser you're meant to be, without thinking about the processes and operations that comes with managing such an ecosystem.6. Finally have more free time for what matters most: your family, friends, and clients.Our team of growth operators will handle the technical foundations of your own automated ecosytem while building and testing unlimited new funnels for your business.Our goal is to maximize your sales and scale your business through an automated ecosystem and high-converting sales funnels.IKiGrowth is a monthly subscription that let you ask any end-to-end request about your Private Community Ecosystem or your Funnel Strategy, from initial development and implementation to ongoing optimization.
Absolute flexibility :
Your Growth Operators On demand
Pause or cancel anytime
14-day full refund guarantee
Why are we qualified? Discover our ecosystem
Cyber Suite - Enterprise AI Solutions
IKi Suite - consumer AI Application
One request at a time.USD 3970/monthPause or cancel anytime.14-day full refund guarantee.What's included in the package:
Unlimited Requests
One active request at a time
Average 48-72 hours delivery
Asynchronous communication
Easy credit card payments
Pause or cancel at any time
14-day full refund guarantee
Bonus : Access to our proprietary AI Applications
Two requests at a time & access to our AI Applications.USD 6970/monthPause or cancel anytime.14-day full refund guarantee.What's included in the package:
Unlimited Requests
Two active requests at a time
Average 48-72 hours delivery
Asynchronous communication
Easy credit card payments
Pause or cancel at any time
14-day full refund guarantee
Bonus : Access to tailored proprietary AI Applications
To the moon
Four requests at a time & access to our Enterprise AI Solutions.USD 12'970/monthSuspend or cancel anytime.14-day full refund guarantee.What's included in the package:
Unlimited Requests
Four active requests at a time
Average 48-72 hours delivery
Asynchronous communication
Easy credit card payments
Pause or cancel at any time
14-day full refund guarantee
Bonus : Access to our proprietary Enterprise AI solutions
Seamlessly integrate the most relevant technological stack to build, manage and optimze your private community and your sales funnels into your existing systems.We are here to facilitate your evolution towards an ideal digital experience, ensuring a smooth transition and optimal conditions for success.
A tightly controlled budget
No more surprises. Benefit from a fixed monthly fee, offering budget predictability and peace of mind for your ecosystem initiatives.A transparent management
Use our project board to submit and track an unlimited number of requests, ensuring that all tasks are carried out according to your expectations - with complete transparency.
Totally asynchronous Our workflow is entirely asynchronous, ensuring flexibility and efficiency without the need for lengthy meetings.
Fast Delivery
Benefit from rapid delivery of your requests with individual projects typically completed in just a few days on average.Increased benefits
A customer relationship built on trust
our scope of action
Build your Private Ecosystem
With our expertise in setting up private community and funnel creation, we'll help you construct a fully customized ecosystem designed to engage and convert your target audience.Discover the power of your own private ecosystem, and witness the growth of a flourishing community, and of your improved conversions.Let us be your trusted partner in building an online ecosystem that fosters meaningful connections and drives long-term success.
Monetize your audience
Whether you're aiming to establish a thriving online community, generate leads, or drive sales, our team of experienced professionals will guide you through the process, ensuring optimal results.From membership portals to interactive forums and personalized content delivery, we'll build a digital environment tailored to your unique business needs. Our approach focuses on seamless integration with your existing systems, making the transition smooth and hassle-free.
Unlimited Funnels & Testings
Whether you have existing funnels that need optimization or are looking to build and test unlimited new funnels, IKiGrowth is here to deliver the support you need to automatize and scale your funnel strategy.With IKiGrowth, you have access to a team of strategists who will develop and test unlimited new funnels for your business, available when you need them to ensure that your business can maximize its sales and growth potential.
Full stack support
IKiGrowth offers a holistic approach, helping you at every stage of your entrepreneurial journey.Whether you need help with strategy, development, implementation or ongoing support, our dedicated team is here to help.We understand that digital entrepreneurship is a constantly evolving field, and we keep track of the latest advances, which we apply to our services to provide you with the most relevant and effective expertise available.
Efficient execution
We understand the importance of fast delivery when it comes to your funnels and your ecosystem.With IKiGrowth, you can expect rapid delivery of your requestsOur team of experts works diligently to ensure your projects are completed on schedule, allowing you to make informed decisions and stay one step ahead of your competitors.
Flexible plans
To meet your specific needs, we offer flexible subscriptions that can be customized to suit your requirements.Whether you're a small or large company, we have a package to suit your needs.Our scalable subscriptions ensure you have access to the right level of support, whether you need occasional help or full-time expertise.
Strong market validation
You require transparency, simplicity and speedSimple integration into your business model
Accelerate without running into the wallA solid development of your margins
Multiply the profitability of your goods and servicesHappy customers, employees and boss
Focusing on your core business is no longer an unattainable dream
With IKiGrowth, you can pause or cancel your subscription at any time. We understand that your business needs can change, and we're here to support your evolving requirements.Whether you need to adjust your package or take a break, we offer the flexibility and control you need to ensure your satisfaction.In addition, if you are not satisfied with our services, we guarantee a full refund within the first 14 days.
Stay in the loop
Get access to exclusive insights and position yourself in the new era
© 2024 - I Kimera Digital Advisory Services. All rights reserved.
Private communities are the future of engagement, trust, and monetization for businesses.Focus on delivering value, become the trusted adviser you're meant to be, without thinking about the processes and operations that comes with managing such an ecosystem.IKiGrowth is a team of growth operators building and managing your private community ecosystem & your Funnels to monetize your audienceAvailable when you need them.With the felxibility to pause or cancel anytime.
The meeting program :• Evaluation of your situation, needs and resources available
• Outline of an adapted strategy
• Next steps towards your Private Community Ecosystem
During the booking process, you can fill in a form. It massively increases the quality of the call and the value you can get from it.Thanks to your answers, we will be able to suggest the most appropriate solutions for your situation straight away.
© 2024 - I Kimera Digital Advisory Services. All rights reserved.